Engineering | CAE

Welcome to our website dedicated to Engineering and Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE)! Here, we provide valuable insights, research, and strategies focusing on various aspects of engineering and CAE to contribute to the advancement of technology and innovation.

Highlighted Research Topics:

Research Topic Description
Water Security Strategy for Ecological Civilization Construction Exploring methodologies and strategies to ensure water security in the context of ecological civilization construction.
National Urban Security Risk Intelligent Control Strategy Investigating intelligent control strategies to mitigate urban security risks at the national level.
Development Strategy of Advanced Nonferrous Metal Materials in China Researching strategies for the development of advanced nonferrous metal materials to propel China’s industrial growth.
High-quality Development Strategy of National Key Minerals and their Material Industry Supply Chain Analyzing strategies for achieving high-quality development in national key minerals and their material industry supply chains.
“Internet Plus” Development Strategy Delving into the development strategy of integrating the internet with various industries for enhanced efficiency and productivity.
6G Requirements, Vision, and Enabling Technologies Exploring the requirements, vision, and technological advancements necessary for the implementation of 6G communication networks.

Recent Publications:

  1. Unveiling the Mechanism Underlying the Effects of Ammonia on n-Caproate Production: Influenced Pathways, Key Enzymes, and Microbiota Functions

    • Investigating the impact of ammonia on n-Caproate production, elucidating pathways, key enzymes, and microbiota functions involved.
  2. Toward Efficient Metal Recovery from Industrial Wastewater: An Electrochemical System in Potential Oscillation and Turbulence Mode

    • Proposing an electrochemical system utilizing potential oscillation and turbulence mode for efficient metal recovery from industrial wastewater.
  3. Implications of agricultural success in the Yellow River Basin and its strategy for green development

    • Analyzing the implications of agricultural success in the Yellow River Basin and proposing strategies for green development.
  4. Ammonia and greenhouse gas distribution in a dairy barn during warm periods

    • Studying the distribution of ammonia and greenhouse gases in a dairy barn during warm periods for environmental management.
  5. Toward sustainable food systems: global initiatives and innovations

    • Highlighting global initiatives and innovations aimed at promoting sustainable food systems for a healthier environment and population.

We are committed to providing valuable insights and contributing to the advancement of Engineering and CAE. Stay tuned for more exciting research and developments in these fields!

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