Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)

Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)

Helps Hong Kong business connect to a world of opportunities – linking you to the Chinese mainland, Asia and beyond through our network of 50 offices worldwide.

HKTDC: Nurturing Business Growth and Innovation

Welcome to HKTDC, your gateway to a world of opportunities for starting and expanding your business. With a commitment to supporting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), HKTDC provides a comprehensive array of services and resources to catalyze business success.

Start & Grow Your Business with HKTDC

Navigate through the dynamic world of entrepreneurship with HKTDC’s Start & Grow Your Business initiative. Explore the innovative T-box Transformation Sandbox, where your business can thrive through funding support, start-up guidance, and bespoke solutions. Gain insights into success stories, discover business advisory services, and leverage the T-box Programme for a transformative business journey.

HKTDC Services Highlights
T-box Transformation Sandbox Funding support and start-up guidance
Business Advisory Services Tailored solutions for business growth
Databank Registration Unlock opportunities with data insights
HKTDC SME Centre Hub for SME support and collaboration

Join Fairs, Conferences & Events

Participate in the pulse of global business by joining HKTDC’s Fairs, Conferences & Events. Connect with industry leaders, attend buyer meetings, and explore a plethora of opportunities to showcase your designs.

Event Categories Highlights
All HKTDC Events Comprehensive list of upcoming events
HKTDC Events in Hong Kong Local opportunities for networking
HKTDC Events outside Hong Kong Global exposure for your business
Past Events Review previous events for insights

EXHIBITION+: Source, Learn, and Connect

Delve into the world of EXHIBITION+ to source products and services, access industry insights, and facilitate business matching. Download the HKTDC Marketplace App for seamless access to a diverse range of hot products across various sectors.

Product Categories Highlights
Automobile & Transport Cutting-edge solutions for mobility
Electronics Explore the latest in tech innovations
Fashion, Clothing & Accessories Stay ahead in the world of fashion
Food & Beverage Discover culinary trends and suppliers
Gifts, Toys & Sports Supplies Unleash the potential of leisure
Health, Beauty and Baby Care Wellness and care for every age group
Housewares, Home Improvement & Constructions Elevate your living and work spaces
Industrial Machinery, Parts & Raw Materials Source quality industrial solutions
Jewellery & Watch Access exquisite designs and timepieces
Printing & Packaging, Stationery & Office Equipment Business essentials and creative solutions

Industry & Market Insights

Explore valuable insights across diverse industries and markets. From service trade and biotechnology to intellectual property and logistics, HKTDC provides a wealth of information to empower your business decisions.

Industry Insights Market Highlights
Accounting, Management Consultancy & Corporate Services Navigate financial landscapes with expertise
Biotechnology, Medical & Healthcare Stay updated on medical advancements
Convention & Exhibition Business Explore opportunities in event management
Design & Marketing Fuel creativity and effective marketing
Film & Entertainment Connect with the world of entertainment
Financial Services Stay ahead in the financial landscape
Franchising & Licensing Explore franchising and licensing opportunities
ICT Embrace the latest in information and communication technology
Intellectual Property Safeguard your innovations and ideas
Infrastructure & Real Estate Navigate the world of real estate and infrastructure
Legal Services Access legal expertise for business matters
Logistics and Maritime Technology Streamline logistics and maritime solutions
Testing & Certification Ensure quality with reliable testing and certification
Merchandise Trade Stay informed about trade in merchandise

In the vibrant world of business, HKTDC stands as your strategic partner, empowering you to navigate challenges and seize opportunities. Join us in building a future of innovation, collaboration, and growth.

  • 域名信息

    注册人/机构:CSC Corporate Domains,Inc.



  • 备案信息





  • 网站信息

    IP:[中国香港香港 和记黄埔]

Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)



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