The Atlantic

The Atlantic

The Atlantic covers news, politics, culture, technology, health, and more, through its articles, podcasts, videos, and flagship magazine.


The Atlantic covers news, politics, culture, technology, health, and more, through its articles, podcasts, videos, and flagship magazine.

  • Mitt Romney is leaving the Senate due to cynicism and hypocrisy within his own Republican party, according to McKay Coppins.
  • Fall COVID booster shots are recommended, especially for high-risk groups. The new bivalent boosters target both the original COVID strain and Omicron subvariants.
  • Adam Serwer argues that conservatives’ calls for censorship have reached their natural conclusion with the banning of books and limiting of speech in schools.
  • An ineffective cold medication, phenylephrine, has been allowed on shelves for years despite lack of evidence it works, according to Sarah Zhang.
  • Jeffrey Goldberg warns of the dangers of political violence, drawing lessons from the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995.
  • Other topics covered include gender differences in stress drinking patterns, challenges for women trial lawyers, reflections on motherhood, Kevin McCarthy’s struggles with far-right House Republicans, devastating floods in Libya, the downsides of iPhone cords, and more.

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The Atlantic



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